General manager’s plan for a company

None of companies is perfect, nor can it be.

In every company there is a good operation, there is a bad operation.

As a manager, it is our duty to protect and disseminate the good ones, correct the bad ones, and slowly bring the ones that are not into the corporate culture for easy digestion.

Below is a slightly rough version of the plan that I created while working as a general manager at a place, and kept to myself, keeping track of progress and updating it from time to time.

Of course, when the plan was mentioned, there was a timing schedule, goals, progress and responsibilities, and the plan was in a tabular form, but I took them out to publish here. I also removed some social and hierarchical issues and company specific issues that would reveal the company. In addition, some issues take place in two separate places. (I did that, no mistake)

In addition, I publish the actions in the simplest form by removing my private notes.

My progress within a year under this plan was 19.6%. I would like to mention this in particular.

To make the company work with an institutional system and to ensure its sustainability.
Determining company goals and preparing strategies accordingly
To reduce friction, inefficiency and lack of motivation caused by lack of communication between employees.
To ensure that the ERP system works effectively,
To increase the productivity in production, thus increasing the production numbers
To be able to provide products to customers in a shorter time for planning, sales and shipment,
To determine and control production costs precisely,
To produce product process work flow charts
To make product time studies.
Issuing the bill of materials.
To make the company traceable numerically,
Determining KPIs and making them sustainable.
To increase the awareness and level of quality
Systematizing continuous improvement
The most important thing is to create a corporate culture that works with the understanding of “We are a team”.
Daily meeting between 9: 00-9: 15 for 15 minutes of daily problems and communication with the responsible of functional departments in my room.
Weekly meeting on Fridays between 15: 00-15: 45 in my room with functional department heads, About the improvements and improvements to be made
Monthly presentation meeting Between 16:00 and 17:00 on the last Friday of each month; The latest status of the activities of the departments in the company meeting hall and the activities to be carried out, the status of the improvements.
Establishing the intranet and ensuring its active use as a communication tool
Registration cards of all working machines,
Maintenance assistance documents on the machine
KPI’s MTTR, MTTF, Failure to stop rates tracking.
Identifying the most frequently used spare parts
Determining the stopping date, time and reasons of the machines, determining the monthly malfunction stoppage rates. KPI. Reducing production losses due to unplanned machine downtime.
Ensuring the tracking of incoming and outgoing products for each process in production and registering it in ERP
Measuring the times of the processes and entering them into ERP
Measurement of total efficiency, determination of equipment efficiency rate OEE KPI,
To prevent unnecessary movements,
To accelerate the movement between units, to reduce waiting times and to speed up production.
Making the company a visual factory.
To apply KANBAN where necessary,
Identifying bottlenecks in production and developing solutions accordingly. (Line balancing)
To reduce production losses that may occur due to searching for materials that need to be reached at any time such as tools, tools, semi-finished products by applying 5S.
To identify the places that need to be automated in production and to realize this.
Keeping customer complaints in quality and establishing a tracking system for them,
Determining the external PPM. KPI
Detection of errors and scrap rates at stations internal PPM and Scrap Rate KPI
Drawing process flow maps
Completion of bill of materials, intermediate stock and warehouse stock, tracking of final product stocks exactly through ERP.
On time delivery rate KPI detection and improvement
Ensuring the control of the warehouse for the purchase request and thus preventing unnecessary purchasing
Ensuring that production costs are made through ERP (semi-finished products, labor) is not as a labor cost by multiplying the spent material with a certain rate.
Creating supplier cards and making full supplier evaluations,
Providing follow-up of supplier PPMs,
Detection of products arriving from the supplier on time, making improvements for products that are not delivered on time
Raw Material and Semi-finished Stock
Determining the minimum and maximum stock amounts by analyzing the stocks and entering the ERP,
To ensure full control of the input and output of the semi-finished products and to follow up during the manufacturing phase,
Ensuring 95% correct processing of stocks
Budget plan creation
Human Resources
Creation of polyvalence table and Personnel backups
Activating the trainings
Ensuring that personnel performance evaluations are made
Increasing staff satisfaction and loyalty,
Setting up a position-based pricing policy (band system)
Establishing the organization in hierarchy order and ensuring its functionality
Providing orientation for newly hired personnel
Solving OHS problems
Keeping track of work accident rates KPI
Full implementation of the legal legislation (Professional qualification certificates, fire tubes, forklift licenses, etc.)
Generally bringing units to reporting discipline.
General evaluation of the dealers. Dealers to be canceled or dealers that need strengthening will be addressed.
To be able to evaluate performance by setting numerical targets to dealers and sales personnel.
Updating existing products in the light of sales, quality, production and after-sales services data,
Ensuring 100% harmony between R&D design and manufactured product

Toplam Oy Sayısı 1

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